“Summertime. It was a song. It was a season. I wondered if that season would ever live inside me.”
— Benjamin Alire Sáenz

Annuals bring magic to any garden. They grow quicker, bloom longer, and produce more flowers than perennials do. Available in a wide variety of vibrant colors, annuals can fill in gaps between seasons and add instant pops of color where needed. My five favorite early summer annuals are all deer-resistant and do well in extreme heat. Inspired Garden tip: resist the urge to put them in rows and plant in clusters of 5 instead.

Zinnias come in so many heights and colors, so use them in your taller sections and in borders. They make great cut flowers.

Cosmos can grow up to 6 feet tall, so place them in the middle or back of your garden. I love the airy texture of the foliage.

Angelonia grow super fast and attract hummingbirds and butterflies. Also known as summer snapdragons, they have spires of flowers and green, glossy foliage.

Vinca have shiny green leaves and five-petaled blooms in pink, red, white, lavender, or purple. Perfect for borders, these compact plants will grow to about 15 inches tall.

Marigolds are another great border plant, and bring bright bursts of oranges and yellows. They attract butterflies, as well as other insects that eat pests that can damage your plants. Marigolds are edible too!

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Happy planting!

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